Policies and Procedures
Madisonville Junior High School
106 Cedar Street
Madisonville, LA 70447
Principal: Paul Morlier
Asst. Principal: Katherine Whitlock
Student Handbook
- About MJH
- Parent/Student Handbook Compact
- Bell Schedule
- Absences
- Late Check-In Policy
- Check-Out Procedure
- Emergency Cards
- Health Services and Regulations
- Telephones/Messages
- Visitors
- Lockers
- Lost and Found
- Computer Use
- Electronic Equipment
- Textbooks
- Transportation
- Bus Policies
- Walkers
- Field Trips
- Library
- Music Instruction
- Student Organizations
- Sports
- Permanent Records
- Grades
- Interims/Report Cards
- Honor Roll
- Parent Communication
- Assemblies/Speakers
- Guidance Department
- Schedule Changes
- Transfer of Students
- Child Sexual Abuse Prevention and/or Education and Reporting
- Promotion Policy
- Dances
- Dress Code
- Drug Detection
- Parent Involvement Policy
- Discipline Procedures
- Student IDs
- Area Behavior Guidelines
- Bystander Revolution
- Detentions
- In-School Support
- Suspension/Exclusion/Expulsion
- Education of Children & Youth in Homeless Situations
- Communications
- School Calendar 2024-2025
About MJH
Mascot: Eagle
Colors: Black and Gold
Every Child, Every Day
Soaring Toward Excellence the EAGLE Way!
Always Kind
Madisonville Junior High School is committed to providing a safe environment where students excel academically and socially. The school will accomplish this mission by creating a culture of high expectations, using data driven instruction, and fostering an unwavering foundation of respect.
Parent/Student Handbook Compact
My child and I have received and read the Madisonville Jr. High Student Handbook and the St. Tammany Parish Handbook on Attendance, Discipline and Student Records.
We understand the policies, rules, and regulations discussed in these publications.
Student Signature:_____________________________
Parent Signature:______________________________
Date: ___________________________
School policies stated are in accordance with the St. Tammany Parish Handbook on Attendance, Discipline and Student Record
Bell Schedule
Opening Bell: 7:26
- Eagle's Nest Homeroom - 7:29 - 7:58
- 1st Period - 7:58 - 8:48
- 2nd Period - 8:51 - 9:40
- 3rd Period - 9:43 - 10:33
- 4th Period - 10:33 - 11:49
- 7th Lunch - 10:33 - 10:57
- 8th Lunch - 11:25 - 11:49
- 5th Period - 11:52 - 12:41
- 6th Period - 12:44 - 1:33
- 7th Period - 1:36 - 2:27
Closing Bell: 2:27
Late Check-In Policy
A student is considered tardy to school if he/she arrives after 7:30 AM but before 8:00 AM.
Morning Start Times:
Classes begin promptly at 7:29 AM. Students may begin arriving on campus at 7:00 AM. Students who are not in their classrooms by 7:30 AM will be marked tardy.
Consequences for Being Tardy:
When students are not in their classrooms by 7:30 AM, they must stop at the front office window and check in by signing the back of their emergency card. Each tardy will be logged into our computer system along with absences. Consequences will begin after the 4th tardy.
- 5th Tardy - 1 hour after school detention
- 10th Tardy - Parental meeting with Administration, 4 hour Saturday detention, and referral to truancy
- 15th+ Tardy - Parental meeting with Administration, In-School or Out-of-School Suspension, and additional referral to truancy and/or FINSH
Questions or concerns should be directed to the Administration.
Check-Out Procedure
If a student needs to be checked out, please buzz the button to the left of the main entrance and state that you are there to check out your child. Please make sure you bring you ID, as this will be needed to check out your child. If you come to check out your child after 2:00, please park across the street by the gym, so as to not block the buses that are lining up for dismissal.
Emergency Cards
It is critical that the school be able to contact parents if necessary. Each student must have a completed emergency card by the end of the first week of school. This card will be filed in the front office. All emergency cards must include a LOCAL phone number for the parent (or contact person). Be sure to include additional contact numbers just in case you can’t be reached. Please notify the front office of any changes in writing throughout the year. No student will be allowed to be checked out by an adult who is not designated on the child’s emergency card.
Health Services and Regulations
When a child is hurt at school, the extent of the injury will be determined by the office and the parent is notified if deemed necessary.
The office cannot administer any medication without written authorization of a physician in the office. It is the parent’s responsibility to notify and update the office of any special medical conditions a student may have.
- No medication shall be administered by school personnel or self-administered by a student without a signed authorization form completed by both the parent and physician. All medication orders must be renewed at the beginning of each school year.
- No medication shall be administered or self-administered by a student unless it is provided to the school in a container labeled by a registered pharmacist with the time and dosage that corresponds to the physician’s order.
- Parents needing to administer medication to their student must first fill out a medication form with the office.
- A registered nurse employed by the St. Tammany Parish School Board will review and access the physician’s order and the parent’s request to determine if delegation of administration of the medication by a trained non-licensed health professional is acceptable.
- No medication will be received at school or sent home with a student.
- Medication will be destroyed if it is not picked up within two weeks following termination of the order or two weeks beyond the end of the current school year.
Students may use the office phone for emergencies ONLY (i.e. illness or injury). Students must have a pass from a teacher to use the office phone. Phone calls home for forgotten assignments, instruments, money, or permission slips will not be allowed.
Please communicate with your child before school about after school activities and/or transportation arrangements. Except in the case of true emergencies, telephone messages will not be given to students.
Visitors, including parents, must check into the office with proper I.D. and receive a visitor’s pass; this includes parents having lunch with their student. Students from other schools are not allowed on campus except for planned interschool activities. Please enter only through the front office entrance.
If a student chooses to have a locker, one will be issued. Students are responsible for keeping their lockers in order to keep them from jamming. Lockers are subject to inspection by the school at any time for justified reasons. Students are asked to supply their own locks for P.E. and be responsible for their privacy by not making their combinations public. It is important students utilize the P.E. lockers to lock up their personal items.
Lost and Found
Found articles should be sent to the "lost and found" container in the foyer of the gym. Parents and students are strongly urged to clearly label everything a student brings to school; including clothing. The student is responsible for his/her own belongings. Books, book bags, and purses should NOT be left unattended in the halls or on the playground. Students should NOT bring large amounts of money, expensive jewelry, I-pads, trading cards, or any other collectibles to school. The school will not be responsible for items lost at school.
Computer Use
The student and parent must sign the St Tammany Parish Instructional Technology User Agreement, which is kept on file in the student’s permanent folder, in order for the student to use the S. T. P. S. B. instructional technology and Internet services.
STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES – Technology plays a critical role in student learning at MJH. Students must strictly adhere to usage policies determined by the classroom teachers and S.T.P.S.B. The school certainly does not expect any destruction of property but wants the student and parent to know the seriousness of the matter. In the event that a student deliberately damages school technology, the parent/student will be held financially responsible and the student will have a disciplinary consequence.
INTERNET RESPONSIBILITIES - The use of the Internet is a privilege and must be used only for educational purposes guided by a teacher. Any other use will result in the denial of Internet privileges and a disciplinary consequence.
Electronic Equipment
Electronic games, laser lights, etc… are NOT allowed at school. Any such items picked up by a teacher and sent to the office will have to be retrieved by the parent. Cell phones can be brought during the school day, but cannot be used or seen throughout the day. Smart watches are not allowed. MADISONVILLE JR. HIGH IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY OF THE ABOVE STATED ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT BROUGHT TO SCHOOL.
Please review Chromebook policy that is signed at the beginning of each year. It is highly encouraged that insurance be purchased, so that non-warranty issues can be fixed quickly.
All textbooks at Madisonville Junior High School are the property of the State of Louisiana. Any loss or damage of textbooks, including novels and paper consumable workbooks used as textbooks, will result in a monetary fine. When textbooks are assigned at the beginning of each school year the condition of the book will be noted by the teacher in writing. If a textbook is lost or badly damaged the student must pay the original price for it before he/she will be issued a new textbook. Writing in a textbook constitutes damage to it. Minor damage to a book will be assessed a per page fee. Some textbooks are available for online reference through Moodle.
ARRIVAL POLICIES: Students are not allowed on the school campus before 7:00 AM. There is no supervision before this time. Students are not allowed in the halls without written permission from a teacher or a pass. Students who want breakfast should report immediately to the cafeteria. All students should be off campus by 3:00 PM daily, unless permission is granted to stay longer or serving after school detention.
DEPARTURE POLICIES: Cars may begin to line up at 2:15 PM to pick up students. The first car in carline should park where Jefferson Alley meets Renee St. (please do not block Jefferson Alley). This will allow all buses into right lane so the left lane can remain empty. Once instructed to move, pull into lane closet to sidewalk to pick up your child. Please pull up as far as you can. Your child will have to walk to your car depending on where you end up in carline. Please do not stop if there is room to pull up. Car riders must be picked up by 3:00 PM as there are no duty teachers after this time.
Bus Policies
Most MJH students ride buses to school. Students must remember that the bus driver is responsible for their safety and well-being while they are on the bus. The driver must be respected and obeyed. Violation of school or bus rules while riding the bus as well as at a bus stop will result in disciplinary action by administration who can ban students from riding the bus or assign other disciplinary consequences according to parish policy.
Any student who must ride a bus other than his/her own must have a written request from the parent/guardian addressed to the school administration. Parents, please know your child’s bus driver’s name, bus number, and phone number. The note must be brought to the office by lunch recess for principal’s signature of authorization to ride the bus. It is important to note though that some buses do not allow extra riders due to capacity requirements. Transportation routes may be accessed by calling 898-3373.
Students who walk to school should not arrive before 7:00 AM. Walkers will be dismissed after carline has completed for the afternoon. Any student walking to and from home is considered at school until he/she reaches home. Students crossing a busy street should cross where Madisonville police are posted for their safety. Students may not walk to area businesses and “hang out” until they can be picked up, due to safety concerns and lack of adult supervision.
Field Trips
Parents should make every effort to ensure that their child/children participate in school approved field trips. Students who are not given written permission to attend scheduled field trips are to attend classes arranged for them and are not excused from attending school the day of the field trip.
If a student has paid for a field trip and is absent on the day of the trip, a refund will not be given. Refunds are not given due to the cost of tickets and transportation for field trips are calculated by the vendor prior to the trip. All students must ride the bus.
Adult chaperones over the age of 21 are required. Chaperones may not bring younger children with them on the trip. School lunch is provided for all students attending field trips and accounts will be charged accordingly.
Students may also be excluded based on disciplinary referrals. If a student is ineligible to go due to discipline reasons, a refund will not be given.
Music Instruction
Student Organizations
Announcements for team tryouts and sign-up times are made from the office and in P.E. classes. In order to be eligible to try out and participate in sports, a student must have a current physical on file at the school. All physicals must be turned in to the office. In addition, the student must pass five subjects and have maintained a 1.5 or better from the previous 9 weeks period. A student who has turned 15 before Sept. 1st is not eligible to participate in sports. Madisonville Junior High 7th and 8th grade teams include: football, basketball, volleyball, softball, baseball, track, and soccer. A student may be excluded from participation in sports due to excessive discipline infractions. Please refer athletic questions to Clint Willie, Athletic Director.
Permanent Records
The permanent records of all students are kept in the main office. Records are confidential. If a student transfers during the school year or between sessions, the new school where the student enrolls must request a transcript of the student’s records before any records can be forwarded. This transcript is furnished without charge by the school.
Grading Scale:
A 100 - 90
B 89 - 80
C 79 - 70
D 69 - 60
F 59 - 0
Grades 7 and 8:
For all subjects, numerical grades shall be recorded in the class record book and averaged for the 9-weeks grades. The 9 weeks numerical grade and corresponding letter grade shall be recorded on the report card. The numerical grades for each 9 weeks shall be averaged for the yearly grade.
Student Progress Center:
Parents may access student grades throughout the school year using the Student Progress Center located at https://jpams.stpsb.org/progress/.
Interims/Report Cards
Interim reports for all subjects will be available to view on JPams at the midpoint of each nine weeks. Viewing dates for Interims will be posted on the monthly school calendars via our website.
Report cards will be sent home with students on the Thursday or Friday following the end of each 9 weeks grading period. Report cards will be mailed home upon the completion of the 4th 9 weeks grading period at the end of the school year.
The office will have a master list of all students receiving interims/report cards throughout the year.
Honor Roll
Each nine weeks, students who earn a 3.0 or higher grade point average will receive a certificate and treat for recognition. Students who earn 3.0 or higher G.P.A. for the first three nine weeks are treated to a picnic at the end of the year. To be considered for Honor Roll, a student may have NO D’s or F’s for the nine weeks on their report card.
Parent Communication
Parents are encouraged to make appointments for conferences as needed with teachers and/or principal by telephoning the school office at 845-3355 or through their email. Teachers will not be called out of class for a conference. The administration asks that parents contact teachers first to discuss academic/discipline concerns.
Email addresses, teacher’s web pages, and updated school information is available through the school website and automated telephone reminders of upcoming events. You can sign up for emergency alerts sent directly to your cell phone at STPSB.org
School assemblies and classroom speakers occur during the school year to promote the curriculum to encourage student health and safety, and to foster a productive learning environment. Such occasions are noted by teachers in weekly overviews, in school newsletters, and/or the school website. Parents who wish for their children not to participate in any of these activities should notify the classroom teacher or school principal.
Guidance Department
For academic and personal advice, the MJH School Counselor can be reached at 985-845-3255 or through the office. Mrs. Lee is available to help students and families with school, home, or peer problems. She may also be reached through her email: Jessica.lee@stpsb.org. A Mental Health Provider is also assigned to the school to provide additional support to students and families. Ms. Patricia Greer, MHP, can be reached at 985-202-0203 or through the front office.
Schedule Changes
Transfer of Students
Child Sexual Abuse Prevention and/or Education and Reporting
Promotion Policy
Several dances are held for our students. Students may be denied the privilege to attend dances upon the discretion of the principal.
No visitors from outside this school are allowed at the dances unless the dance has been designated a “guest” dance and permission has been granted by Administration. Guests must be an 8th grade student from a school WITHIN St. Tammany Parish.
The dances are held on Friday nights. 7th grade is from 5:30-7:00 and 8th grade is from 6:00-7:30. This helps to alleviate excessive traffic congestion on dance nights. It is the parents' responsibility to make sure students go directly into the gym and do not leave campus before or after the dance. Parents are to be PROMPT in picking up their children. Students not picked up promptly may be denied attendance at future dances. No students are allowed to walk or ride their bikes to and/or from any evening school activities. The school will provide a specific dress code policy for each dance. You may check the school website for a link. If students receive more than one instance of ISS or an Out of School Suspension in a nine weeks, they will not be eligible for attending the dance of that nine weeks.
Dress Code
Parents and students are to refer to the Parish Handbook for all dress code policies. The principal maintains the right to determine extremes in styles of dress and grooming and what is appropriate and suitable for school. Students who have problems conforming to the dress code will either have appropriate clothes brought from home or change into appropriate clothing found here at school and may receive disciplinary action.
- Walking Shorts, skirts, and skorts may be either school approved plaid or khaki. All must meet the criteria---CANNOT BE shorter than 5 inches above the knee.
- Pants/Capris: Tan khaki colored cotton twill must be secured at the waist with no undergarments revealed. All black or all white leggings can be worn under skirts and skorts.
- Shirts: White or black polo style shirts with the school approved logo or no logo at all. No skin may show between the pants/skirt and shirt in any position.
- Black uniform t-shirts are available for purchase through the school office.
- Sweatshirt/sweater/outerwear: Outerwear may be worn as long as they are predominantly black, white, or grey and worn over an approved uniform top. MJH approved sweatshirt may be purchased.
- Shoes: Students may wear backless sandals and crocs to school, but must be prepared to change to tennis shoes for participating in PE.
- Hats: All caps, hats, and bandannas are banned from school campus.
- Grooming: Nose piercings (small stud in nostril) is allowed. Drawing/writing on one’s exposed skin or clothing is prohibited.
Drug Detection
The administration may search a student as well as his/her locker according to parish guidelines when there is probable cause to believe that the student has in her/her possession any illegal substance. In addition, drug dogs are periodically brought to school by area police and/or the sheriff’s department to conduct random classroom/locker searches. Any evidence seized as a result of such a search may be used in court prosecution. Students having been found in possession of illegal substances and or prescription medications will be recommended for expulsion from school. Consult the St. Tammany Parish System Handbook for more information including possible consequences.
Parent Involvement Policy
The faculty and staff of Madisonville Junior High believe that educational success requires the active involvement, participation, and support of parents, community members, students, and school staff. Therefore, open communication and opportunities for active involvement are encouraged in several ways through various forms of communication, opportunities for involvement, and decision making opportunities.
Discipline Procedures
MJH has a School-wide Positive Behavior Support program supported by both our School Board and the Louisiana Department of Education. A school-based team of parents, staff, and students have worked to enhance positive behavior through ensuring an effective and efficient school-wide approach to discipline. Our PBIS plan encourages personal responsibility for attitudes and actions we choose each day. We also plan to provide opportunities for parental support through community resources, parenting programs, and informational meetings.
Our plan is based upon four simple rules using the Acronym of S.O.A.R. Students need to be safe, organized, always kind, and respectful. When students display these characteristics, they will have a successful day
Always kind
Rules for every area of the school will be posted and thoroughly reviewed in both classroom and at school-wide review meetings. Morning detention may be assigned by classroom teachers, duty teachers, and administration for violation of minor classroom, school, and parish rules. More serious or habitual violations will be handled through the administration in accordance with the parish discipline policy. More specific parish guidelines are listed for your review and reference in the Handbook on Attendance, Discipline, and Student Records.
In addition, students may be rewarded for their positive behavior and effort through Eagle Bucks, Golden Referral recognition, classroom rewards, and 9 weeks celebrations for good behavior.
Student IDs
Students will be issued a Madisonville Junior High ID card that must be worn daily. ID’s are bar coded and will be used by the cafeteria, library, and for general identification purposes. These ID's will also be used to enter exterior doors of the school. Every student must have an ID upon entering campus.
- If a student forgets their ID, a temporary ID may be purchased for the day.
- If a student loses their ID, they will be made a new one and be charged $5 for the first two new ID's.
- On the third purchase of the new ID, the price will be $10 per ID. The old ID will be deactivated.
Defacing the ID in any way, loaning or borrowing another student's ID is prohibited and will be subject to disciple as per STPSB discipline policy. Temporary IDs can be purchased on My Payments Plus. Once purchased, students can bring their receipt to the front office and receive a punch card to use if they forget their ID.
Area Behavior Guidelines
- All 7th grade students report to the courtyard if not eating breakfast and remain seated on benches or sidewalks until the bell rings. (If inclement weather, 7th grade students will be sent to the Science hallway.)
- All 8th grade students report to the the area outside of the the gym by the oak tree. (If inclement weather, 8th grade students will be sent to the gym.)
- As all students exit the buses or cars, they must wait for a duty teacher to escort them across the street.
- Go directly to cafeteria if you plan to eat breakfast.
- Use the restroom before the bell rings.
- Enter in orderly, quiet lines and stay on sidewalk.
- Wash your hands, turn off water, and place paper towel in trash can.
- Talk quietly at lunch tables.
- Clean up your eating area.
- All food and drinks must be eaten in cafeteria, with the exception of take-out food.
- Practice good sportsmanship.
- Stay in your designated playground area.
- Students should keep the campus clean and free from trash and graffiti.
- Walkers must leave the school grounds after carline clears and may not enter the gym.
- Early bus riders may report directly to their busses.
- No loitering in front of the gym or on school grounds is allowed.
- Car riders must go directly to car line to wait for car dismissal.
- Bike riders are to get their bikes and WALK them off of school grounds.
- Before school and at lunch, gym restrooms will be available.
- Locker area is prohibited before school & at lunch recess.
- Students may not use restrooms immediately following morning bell or right after lunch recess unless an emergency.
- Emergency bathroom use during class time is permitted only with teacher permission is granted.
- Remember to flush, wash your hands, and dispose of paper towels in trash cans.
Bystander Revolution
The St. Tammany Parish School Board considers bullying to be an extremely serious offense. The faculty and staff of Madisonville Jr. High will educate students and stakeholders through a program called the Bystander Revolution. This program focuses on proper social skills and prevention of disrespectful behavior.
In accordance with St. Tammany Parish School Board Policy, students found to be committing acts of bullying including, but not limited to, physical bullying, emotional bullying, or sexual bullying, as defined in the district handbook for students and parents, will be given consequences based upon the severity and frequency of the act(s). The students will be assigned to morning detention, after-school detention, Saturday detention, ISS, or suspension, as deemed appropriate by the disciplinarian.
Students who are victims of bullying have a responsibility to report instances to school officials. Victims are encouraged to document their experience(s) in writing. Other individuals, such as family members or bystanders, are encouraged to contact school administrators when they become aware of the bullying behavior.
With any questions please refer back to the STPSB District Handbook Page 24 for more information regarding Bullying.
MJH uses both morning and after school detentions for all grades as a part of teaching expectations and restoring behaviors. In addition, students may serve after school detention for behavior infractions. Detention counts will start over at the beginning of each 9 weeks.
Students will be assigned morning detentions to be held in the mornings on Tuesday-Friday in a designated classroom from 7:00 – 7:26 AM. All morning detentions must be signed by a parent/guardian.
After school detentions are scheduled on Thursdays each week from 2:26-3:26 PM.
- 4th Morning Detention: After School Detention & Administrative Notification
- 6th Morning Detention: In-School Support - 1 day
- 9th Morning Detention: In-School Support - 2 days or Saturday Support
- 12th Morning Detention: Out of School Support
In-School Support
Serious offenses by students, including fighting, threatening self or others, or harassing another student, carrying a weapon, alcohol, tobacco product, drugs, or other habitual offenders will be referred to the administration and discipline will follow parish guidelines set forth in the St. Tammany Parish School System Handbook on Attendance, Discipline, and Student Records. A letter will be sent home with the number of suspension days and number of days for make-up work to be completed.
Education of Children & Youth in Homeless Situations
The McKinney-Vento Act is a federal law pass in 1987 to help people experiencing homelessness. The Act requires states and school districts to make sure students in homeless situations can attend and succeed in school. The McKinney-Vento Act applies to all children and youth who do not have a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence, including children and youth who are living in the following situations:
- Doubled-up housing with other families or friends because they lost their home or their family is having temporary financial problems
- Living in a motel/hotel because of economic hardship or loss of housing
- Living in an emergency or transitional shelter, domestic violence shelter, or in a runaway/homeless youth shelter
- Living in a vehicle of any kind; trailer park or campground without running water and/or electricity; abandoned building; substandard housing; bus/train station
- Awaiting foster care placement
- Abandoned in a hospital
Children and youth in homeless situations have the right to the following:
- Attend and succeed in school no matter where they live or how long they have lived there
- Enroll in school despite the lack of a permanent address or lack of school and immunization records, birth certificate and/or other documents
- Receive services comparable to those offered to non-homeless children and youth
- Get transportation to school
- Access educationally related support services
- Make sure that disagreements between students and schools are resolved quickly
Telephone Number:
Fax Number:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/stppschools
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stppschools
School Calendar 2024-2025
- Aug. 8-9 Safe Start Days (please look at school website for your student’s report date)
- Aug. 12 All Students Report
- Aug. 19 Open House (7th grade) 5:30-6:30 PM (8th grade) 7:00-8:00 PM
- Sept. 2 Labor Day Holiday
- Oct. 4 Parish Fair Holiday
- Oct. 11 End of 1st Grading Period (Students ½ day of school)
- Nov. 5 Election Day (No School)
- Nov. 25-29 Thanksgiving Holiday
- Dec. 20 End of 2nd Grading Period (Students ½ day of school)
- Dec. 23-Jan. 3 Winter/Christmas Holiday
- Jan. 6 School Reopens
- Jan. 20 MLK Holiday
- Mar. 3-7 Mardi Gras Holidays
- Mar. 14 End of 3rd Grading Period (Students ½ day of school)
- Apr. 14-21 Spring/Easter Break
- TBA State Testing Window Grades 3-8
- May 22 End of 4th Grading Period (Students ½ day of school)
*A more detailed schedule can be found on our school website.